Protecting Our Planet

Our commitment to protecting the planet also extends to the way we produce skincare at our production sites. When producing NIVEA products, we strive to decrease our CO2 footprint, save energy, generate less waste, and use freshwater responsibly.

Read on to find out more about NIVEAs long-term goals of producing sustainable skincare. Including the changes that have been made to production such as electricity usage, waste management, and freshwater resources. 

Sustainable Skincare Production

In terms of sustainable skincare production, one of NIVEA’s core commitments is reducing our CO2 footprint. Along with other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, CO2 has detrimental effects on the environment. The increasing amount of these gases reinforces the greenhouse effect. Since we are already facing a critical increase in global temperature, NIVEA takes its responsibility toward climate change mitigation seriously. This is reflected in our ambitious climate targets.



Energy and emissions, water, and waste are the main factors to consider when it comes to running a production site in the most sustainable way. Guided by the vision of zero-footprint production, we are working hard to reduce these dimensions.

Proper Waste Management

At NIVEA, we are committed to avoiding waste to save resources and work towards a cleaner environment. By 2025, we intend to have reduced the volume of waste at our production sites by around a third. 

Even though we are reducing waste, we cannot avoid it altogether. This is why we have committed to “zero waste to landfill” early on. Landfills are a burden on our environment, so we are determined to avoid them completely. Across the world, 16 out of 17 NIVEA production sites have already achieved this goal.

Sustainable Fresh Water Management

Freshwater is a vital yet limited resource. For our sustainable skincare products, Beiersdorf globally is working to minimize water consumption in our production processes. We have committed to specific and measurable targets: by 2025, we plan to have reduced our water consumption by 25 percent per manufactured product versus the 2018 baseline. To achieve this target, we will implement water recycling options and reuse wastewater wherever possible.

As the availability of freshwater is dependent on location, we conduct annual water risk analyses for all our production sites. In these analyses, we look closely at the regional availability of freshwater, the respective water quality, and the freshwater requirements of the communities neighboring our production sites. These are all important factors in the production of sustainable skincare.

One Skin. One Planet. One Care.

We want to be 100 percent transparent and answer all your questions about sustainability at NIVEA. If you could not find all the answers you were looking for on this website, or are looking for more detailed information, please visit the sustainability website of NIVEA’s parent company, Beiersdorf.